220 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for wrench_monkey


Sun 10th Jun 18:11
Moon Base rated  Perfect
I'm a scifi fan anyway who isn't right?
#4 of 4
Tue 25th Jan 16:37
Fall of Rome rated  Great
static starting points on continents makes it somewhat predictable, but I like the balance of having to defend from the barbarian territories to hold continents. Good balance of bottlenecks and open fronts.
#3 of 4
Sat 25th Sep 02:26
Battle USA rated  Good
so deres a deli ware and no freegin jersey? wassamaddayou! Distribution of territory size is pretty good, as usual your luck depends on initial placement.
#2 of 4
Thu 16th Sep 01:28
Appomattox Campaign rated  Great
good for a fast paced duel. I assume neither side has the initial advantage but seems like the north does.
#1 of 4